Minister Maggi and the Climate at COP22
Ministers Sarney Filho (Environment) and Blairo Maggi (Agriculture) received a letter from Observatório do Clima (The Climate Observatory) expressing concern about statements by the latter at COP22 in Marrakesh.
The minister said that agriculture requires US $ 40 billion by 2030 to meet Brazil’s commitments under the Paris Agreement.
The Climate Observatory letter clarifies that, in 2016 alone, the Safra Plan allocated R$ 202 billion to the sector, whose historical default is around 5%.
That is, there is money to finance climate actions in agriculture. It is enough for farmers to pay their debts to the Union.
It is time for environmentalism and agriculture to go hand in hand.
Saiba mais: https://www.observatoriodoclima.eco.br/maggi-diz-que-ndc-e-apenas-intencao/
Via: Observatório do Clima
Foto: Flavio Forner / Xibé / Infoamazonia