Funai vs Belo Sun

Funai vs Belo Sun

Ignoring the technical findings from Funai, mining company Belo Sun received the license from  the government of Pará to extract gold from the region. Now, the foundation goes to court against the venture.

It is the ultimate measure to try to end a monster that unites the impacts of Belo Monte with the announced risks of Mariana.

Like Mariana, Belo Sun is an operation based on toxic components, with a dam that accumulates ore tailings alongside a river and its fauna and flora. We can not let the tragedy of Rio Doce repeat itself in the Tapajós River.

Find out more (Portuguese): funai-vai-a-justica-contra-mineracao-de-ouro-em-belo-monte

Via: Estadão

Photo: Lunaé Parracho/Terra Magazine


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