22 May is the International Day for Biodiversity. Established by the UN in 1992, it seeks to make people aware of environmental care and its preservation. This year the theme Bio diversy and was chosen by the United Nations.
Sustainable tourism protects the environment and natural resources while maintaining the economic growth of the sector.
Sustainable tourism is also present in the Aichi Targets ensuring greater control an ability to reduce the damage to biodiversity by the sector.
For the second consecutive year Brazil was a finalist in the Environment Award of the World Travel and Tourism Council, which rewards the best organizations and establishments that adopt environmental practices through biodiversity conservation, natural habitat protection and climate change.
This year, our representative was the Caiman Ecological Refuge, located in the Pantanal, South Mato Grosso. Tourism is considered one of the solutions to the serious economic crisis that the country is going through.
Find out more: https://www.un.org/en/events/biodiversityday/
Photo: Diário de Bordo